Brenda Rios, LVN


I’ve been a nurse for over 13 years and I couldn’t picture myself doing anything else. I absolutely love what I do! Being there for my patients and being an advocate for them is something I take pride in. I have an associates degree in Health Science and I aspire to one day make a bigger difference in the healthcare system.

I love Dr. Greens point of view in healthcare and I believe this approach helps individuals, and families to get the healthcare they need.

Kai Edrees, Phlebotomist


I am an undergraduate student at University of California Riverside and am thrilled to be apart of Caravel Health. My values align with the mission of making healthcare affordable and accessible and I am in the process of applying to medical school now! My hope is to specialize in surgery and love the opportunity to observe the procedures that Dr Green performs in his office.

I am an advocate for various causes on campus , including animal welfare, healthcare, and human rights. In my free time, when I am not managing and running my clubs, I enjoy reading and going for runs.

Our dogs wish they could help, but they’re not dogtors yet!

Ellie, Dr. Salma Green, Dr. Landen Green, and Kemba